Happy to say that the lack of purses in the shop has been rectified. I especially like the ones made using Badalassi oak tanned leathers. Gosh they seem to glow, and it's a joy to work with.

Napoli with rose Antico poppy accent. Just lovely.

Tinder, Pippin purse was also a favourite, again in Badalassi.
Next up to make is a small hill of belt pouches. Acorn, Withy and Warble. Look out for some very special versions of these over the coming week.
The first batch of shoes in a very long while are having their soling attached, and once lasted and final fussing completed will be listed. A newsletter will go out for those.
Final notes: it's been very strange using instagram after my break away. But using it as a stock announcement gallery only and not monitoring any direct messages on there seems a good compromise. Customers get to see images of new items (if they show amongst all the adverts...) and I can have less admin and more making time. Win win hopefully.
Ren x